Many people incorrectly assume that wellness can only be achieved by investing big chunks of time everyday, but that line of thinking often keeps people feeling defeated and keeps them from even getting out the door. Instead, let's think about what just 20 minutes of outdoor activity most days can do for you.
I'm inviting you to join me for my 20x20 December Outdoor Challenge! Just make a goal of getting in some type of outdoor activity for 20 minutes and do it for at least 20 days out of the month- that's it!
Your outdoor activities can be anything from walking the dog to shoveling snow to gerdening. Here are some activity ideas for getting that time in outside:
Walking the Dog
Chopping Wood
Yard Work
Shoveling Snow
Playing with the Kids
And there are plenty more!
Just make sure you:
Get moving for at least 20 minutes at a time.
2. Do it at least 20 days this month.
Completing this challenge will help you reap so many benefits. Some of these include:
More balanced hormone production
Better vitamin D production
Lower blood pressure
Less stress
Appreciation of nature
Fresh air
Forming new habits
Improved mental health
You can do this challenge on your own or with your family, co-workers, or friends.
I've also created a PDF chart for you to hold yourself accountable. Just click the button below, download the file, print (make sure to print one for someone else, too), and go get outside!
If you complete the challenge this month, post a picture of your completed accountability chart and use the hashtag #20x20outdoorchallenge and you'll be entered into a drawing to receive an autographed copy of my first book, Sometimes Courage or my Sometimes Courage Training Journal (your choice:).
Let's do this... together!